Saturday, May 31, 2014

Just before sunrise

Rising early this morning, I gathered my camera equipment and tripod. Heading up the road to a hillside view - I had just five or six minutes before the sun made its peek above the horizon!

I like this shot because it includes the dawn's blanket of fog in the valley below as well... and, fifty plus miles in the distance is Mount Rainier

Sunday, May 25, 2014

On a morning stroll

In springtime, when taking walks in the early morning, it can be challenging to choose which photos to share. There seems to be so many beautiful blooms out!

So, here is my choice this morning for you..

Friday, May 23, 2014

Friday's Find

If you walk along a woodsy path after a spring rain, be sure to look down and notice some of the small flowers that lie low. You just may be pleasantly surprised!  

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Silver Falls State Park Trail

On a day when nature gave us both rain and sun breaks; this rock-walled path had a 'Thomas Kinkade' look to it. My wife and I enjoyed his paintings, and writings about "Simpler Times" early on in our marriage.

This day happened to be our 18th Wedding Anniversary when we enjoyed some beautiful scenery at this State Park in Oregon. 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

South Falls - Silver Falls State Park, Oregon

Falling 177 feet, this wondrous waterfall is Silver Falls State Park's most popular sight. If you look closely, you will notice a pathway that leads behind it..
..budding salmon berry blossoms add some color to all of the fresh spring green along the hike in. 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day Landing

On a walk with my daughter, we stopped at this beautifully-flowered Rhododendron bush. Shortly after, this dragonfly flew around and lit on the flower for just a brief moment.

I had time to snap two shots, and this second one was just right! 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Vibrant Buttercup


These little fellas are certainly hard to capture on film (or digital disk, for that matter.) After awhile of chasing them around a forest and grassy area, this particular one was tired and panting while attached to this twig..


On a morning outing with three of my ladies, this pretty Lilac was beckoning me to make it be shown - so here it is for you to enjoy! 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Afternoon flight

A trip to the local school yard this afternoon presented some nice sightings of bugs and blooms. This particular bee seemed to be enjoying its surroundings.. 

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Mt. Rainier

A recent drive near the west of Silver Lake in Washington revealed this view of Mount Rainier, one of this state's most treasured sites. This particular photo was shot some fifty miles away from this, one of my favorites!