Sunday, August 17, 2014

White Rose of Sharon

A Sunday morning stroll outside my Northwest home brought me to our family Rose of Sharon bush. This beautiful bloom needed to be shared with you, so enjoy! 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Neon glow

A summer rain revealed this scene nearby my home. Pink is a beautiful color, so I hope you enjoy this flower. 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Step back to '72

Memories for me of a three-week vacation with my folks and sister are revisited; as gas was cheap and the miles were long...

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Calloway's new friend

While watching my son swing this morning, I looked down below a tree and saw this little creature hopping around in the grass. So, I had my boy keep an eye on him while I went to the van and retrieved the camera...

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Morning Foxglove

Near Abernathy Creek out of Longview, Washington - this little flower glimmered in the morning light. I enjoyed the sound of the water rolling by, the birds singing their morning renditions, and sights like this that make carrying a camera a joy. 

A bridge no longer traveled

A morning walk revealed this nice discovery, a bridge dated 1930. I love old roads from days gone by; and this one still had the white line between both lanes - though faded like the traffic that once traversed it. 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Merced River in Yosemite Park

This portion of the Merced River in Yosemite National Park was enjoyed by three of my kids and me one beautiful afternoon. 

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Just before sunrise

Rising early this morning, I gathered my camera equipment and tripod. Heading up the road to a hillside view - I had just five or six minutes before the sun made its peek above the horizon!

I like this shot because it includes the dawn's blanket of fog in the valley below as well... and, fifty plus miles in the distance is Mount Rainier

Sunday, May 25, 2014

On a morning stroll

In springtime, when taking walks in the early morning, it can be challenging to choose which photos to share. There seems to be so many beautiful blooms out!

So, here is my choice this morning for you..

Friday, May 23, 2014

Friday's Find

If you walk along a woodsy path after a spring rain, be sure to look down and notice some of the small flowers that lie low. You just may be pleasantly surprised!  

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Silver Falls State Park Trail

On a day when nature gave us both rain and sun breaks; this rock-walled path had a 'Thomas Kinkade' look to it. My wife and I enjoyed his paintings, and writings about "Simpler Times" early on in our marriage.

This day happened to be our 18th Wedding Anniversary when we enjoyed some beautiful scenery at this State Park in Oregon. 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

South Falls - Silver Falls State Park, Oregon

Falling 177 feet, this wondrous waterfall is Silver Falls State Park's most popular sight. If you look closely, you will notice a pathway that leads behind it..
..budding salmon berry blossoms add some color to all of the fresh spring green along the hike in. 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day Landing

On a walk with my daughter, we stopped at this beautifully-flowered Rhododendron bush. Shortly after, this dragonfly flew around and lit on the flower for just a brief moment.

I had time to snap two shots, and this second one was just right! 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Vibrant Buttercup


These little fellas are certainly hard to capture on film (or digital disk, for that matter.) After awhile of chasing them around a forest and grassy area, this particular one was tired and panting while attached to this twig..


On a morning outing with three of my ladies, this pretty Lilac was beckoning me to make it be shown - so here it is for you to enjoy! 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Afternoon flight

A trip to the local school yard this afternoon presented some nice sightings of bugs and blooms. This particular bee seemed to be enjoying its surroundings.. 

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Mt. Rainier

A recent drive near the west of Silver Lake in Washington revealed this view of Mount Rainier, one of this state's most treasured sites. This particular photo was shot some fifty miles away from this, one of my favorites!  

Friday, April 25, 2014

Spring morning at the local library

Who can resist a good book; and even more from a delightful trip to such a beautiful classic library such as this one in Longview, Washington? 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Evening lit

A walk up my driveway one evening recently revealed some good lighting, and Spring springing! 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

From my daughter's collection

One of my daughters loves to collect things - little trinkets, notes and also rocks. This beauty is one of her favorites!  

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Spring run

What caught my eye about this creek crossing, was the tree that overhangs it.

Spring brings full rivers and other tributaries; as well as beautiful colors to enjoy! 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Life-giving waters

Spring provides full creeks, and fresh green growth - as these running waters portray.

Be sure and take time to find places to leave your cares behind; and enjoy God's beauty in nature..

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Today's Tulip

When we moved to our new home in '03, our Dad gave us 100 tulip bulbs in memory of his mother Grace - whose family was from Holland.

This morning, one of these beautiful flowers has shown its desire to please its onlookers; in spite of the inclement weather. 

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Evening Clouds Aflame

Looking south one April evening while visiting friends, this scene appeared for less than a full minute. Thankfully, I had my older Canon point-and-shoot available..

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Touched by the morning sun

A few days ago, I stopped to catch this warm picture. Already, these blossoms are starting to disappear; but Spring is catching on! 

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Leaf Drops

Where I live in Southwest Washington State, we've had a record-setting wet month of March. This morning, there was a glimpse of sunshine for a short while, so I went for a walk into our woods..

This shot entailed some sun and these little droplets; which presented a nice little picture with my macro lens. 

Saturday, March 29, 2014

That Look

Saturday around the house, and my daughter was preparing her ingredients for making brownies. As I approached the counter, a quick snap of the shutter caught her just at the moment she looked up.

Taken with my Canon Macro Lens EF-S 60mm 1:2.8 USM - at 1/400 2.8 ISO 3200

Monday, March 24, 2014

New Life from an Old Growth Stump

I found quite a large old stump from logging days gone by - perhaps two harvests ago. Climbing up a bit to get to it, I noticed this fresh little green growth.

Perhaps some type of ivy; it presented quite a contrast.. 

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Trillium Visitor

A walk in the woods today revealed trillium everywhere; which is a nice sight to see indeed.

This little creeper was looking for a sight to visit as well - and added to the capture! 

Beside Mill Creek

Friday afternoon, and heading back to the office, I stopped for a short break beside a beautiful country creek. Finding this little golden violet, I took a few photos; and this one had the glistening water in the background..

..made for nice contrast I thought.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

At stump's edge

While on a walk today, I looked over at this old stump that had quite the variety of growth on it. With camera in hand, I got up close and this fun scene appeared.  

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Japanese Maple Tree

This shot was a happenstance while walking along the trails of the Japanese Gardens in Portland, Oregon. As my daughter and a friend were hurrying along, and I trailing behind, I caught a glimpse of this fine old tree and bent down to shoot up into it..

Though it was taken with my older Canon point and shoot at the time, I am still pleased with the beauty of the colors! 

Monday, March 17, 2014

A touch of Spring

While having a phone conversation with my wife during my work day, I noticed outside my truck this flower waiting to be photographed.., I happily obliged it! 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Mt St Helens from Ariel

As spring approaches, the leaves are starting to sprout on the trees; while Mt. St. Helens remains snow covered.

This view is seen from the south side of the mountain, while the north side is where the volcano gave way and a cubic mile of earth landslid and blew during the eruption of May 18, 1980.

Creek above Merwin Dam

While traveling the Lewis River Highway today, I stopped just above where the Merwin Dam is located in Cowlitz County.

This small creek which leads into the Lewis River had just the right lighting, while I put the shutter on a delay which softened the look of the water. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Lit by the morning sun

This morning I parked along a country road, and took a little stroll up a trail - and this had some sunshine lighting down upon it.

So I took a picture with my camera resting on the ground looking back up at it with the light permeating through its petals. 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Dawn at Riffe Lake

A morning walk discovers this scene on Riffe Lake, near the Cascade Mountain Range in Washington. 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Smith River and Redwoods

Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park, just inland a few miles from Crescent City, California, has a trail my boys and I followed that led to the Smith River.

Here, we spent a good portion of our camping day - which included hiking and my youngest son learning to swim. 


If you have ever been along the west coast, and traveled through northern California, you've most likely seen some of these gentle giants. Redwood and Sequoia trees are some of God's most amazing and awe-inspiring creations.

Reaching heights of 300+ feet, they are truly incredible; and I, personally, have never tired of seeing or visiting their forests!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Wading the waves

Occasionally you will find someone along the beach who, in their own carefree way, will be enjoying the ocean with little thought about anything else at the time..

Such was the case when this young lady took her turn 'wading the waves.' 

Mount Rainier

A visit to Mt. Rainier in Washington State is an experience you truly will enjoy. Its beauty as it rises 14,410 feet above sea level is one of North America's most beautiful places.

My family and I enjoyed such a trip in the fall of 2013!

Clouds and the Columbia River

Looking east from a bluff toward the town of Longview, this view entails both Washington on the left, and Oregon on the right - separated by the 1240+ mile long Columbia River.. the distance you can perhaps make out the Lewis and Clark bridge which connects travelers from Longview to Rainier and highway 30. 

Friday, March 7, 2014

My Friday Favorite!

It's coming up on Spring, and tulip season is fast approaching! 

Morning on Riffe Lake

While camping at Taidnapam, by Riffe Lake in Lewis County, Washington - I took a morning stroll and was encouraged to find a boat launching dock that positioned me just right for taking this beautiful photo! 

Bridge Out Ahead!

It's always a challenge to follow these critters around and get a snapshot; and this one looked like he was trying to figure out how to get across the chasm in front of him - Lol. 


Yosemite Valley beckons you to come for a visit.

When I was traveling south to the Bakersfield area to stay with my cousins one time, I spent only a few hours checking out the sights here, and then continued on to my destination.

Finally, some twenty plus years later, in the fall of 2013, I returned to camp and enjoy this beautiful place! 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Merced River Rocks, Yosemite

One of the most enjoyable camping trips I've taken was this past September with three of my kids. If you've ever experienced driving into the Yosemite Valley, and taking in the vastness of it, you will understand why.

I believe it will take at least three more visits to this wonderful place to really grasp all of its beauty, and enjoy what is available there..

Here comes Spring!

The rain was beating profusely in our area today; so this little beauty kept somewhat closed up - but pretty none the less!

Welcome to my Photo Blog!

Well, this month marks one year for my Bob Ward Images page on Facebook. My dear wife started that for me, and now encourages me to broaden my horizons with a blog! 

Usually, I am not very wordy, so I think you will like the simple fact of me posting my photos that I take along my life's journey, with little commentary.. 

So, enjoy; and be sure to share my images with your friends when you like one! early morning walk along Silver Lake near the town of Toutle (which became famous during the eruption of Mt. St. Helens in Washington, May 18, 1980.)